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Pest & Rodent Control In Sarasota & Bradenton

(941) 704-0063

How do I find The Best Rat Exterminator Near Me?

Find the “Best Rat Exterminator Near Me” by Using Your Favorite Search Engine!

If you’re looking for tips on finding a rat exterminator near me, you’ve found the correct place with Rodent Solutions Inc!  If you have a rat problem in your home or business, it’s crucial to take action as possible. Rats can carry diseases, cause damage to your property, and even start fires if they chew on electrical wires. We’ll discuss the best way to find a professional rat exterminator near you to solve your rodent problem.

Start Your Search Online For a Rat Exterminator Near Me

First, type “Rat exterminator near me” into your favorite search engine.  If you’re in the Lakewood Ranch, Bradenton, Sarasota, or Parrish areas, hopefully, this search will pull up our page first!  If it doesn’t, it will pull up a search of the companies that fit that search in your area.  Most search engines will provide you with a list of pest control companies in the results and their location on a map feature.  Reviews can be helpful for choosing your go to company.

Best Rat Exterminator Near Me

Review the Rat Exterminator’s Website

Next, you’ll want to review the website of the companies listed.  Look at their site and see how extensively they speak about rat control, rat removal, rat prevention, or rat extermination.  If their page is generic with their content and doesn’t speak extensively about rats, they probably are not the ones you want performing a rat exclusion on your home.  One of the main reasons to hire a professional rat exterminator is our expertise in identifying the rat entry points and sealing up their entry to the home.  Many licensed exterminating companies, either don’t specialize in rats, don’t perform rat exclusions, or some will only set up exterior rat bait stations. An experienced rat exterminator can accurately identify the entry points and develop a plan customized to your situation to solve the problem effectively. If they don’t have a detailed plan to seal the rat’s entry point, stay away from them and move to the next company.  Trapping or setting poison bait stations without an exclusion will be ineffective and lead you to an on-again, off-again problem.  Another reason to hire a professional rat exterminator is their access to a broader range of tools and methods. Rat specialists have access to various traps, custom baits, and rat-proof materials, which they will use based on your particular situation.  They must have extensive experience to identify all the rat entry points the first time, so you don’t have a continuing issue.  Also, look for affiliations with industries that push continuing education and higher standards in the industry, such as NWCOA (National Wildlife Control Operators Association).  NWCOA offers training programs above and beyond what’s required by the State of Florida for our license. NWCOA offers a Rodent Standard Certification which we were actually asked to contribute to.  This class is developed by some of the best rat exterminators in the country.  Look for any awards they have won.  Look for what other customers have said about the company.  For example, we won Nextdoor’s Favorite Pest Control Company in 2021 and 2022.  We also have exclusively 5-Star Reviews on Google. That can’t happen if people aren’t singing your praises.

Read The Company Reviews Which Mention Rats

Not everybody will leave a rat exterminator a review because they don’t want it out in the world for everybody to read that they had rats in their home. This makes the reviews that are left even more critical. Reviews tell you what each rat company’s happy and unhappy customers thought about them after their interactions. Make sure you read the pest control companies’ reviews, don’t just look at the overall number of reviews. They may have a lot of great reviews for general pest control or termites. Still, if the customers leaving the reviews don’t speak about how effectively they solved their rat issues, those reviews may not accurately reflect their abilities with rat extermination. Also, remember that some companies will have fake reviews. Customers who have read our reviews have said, “how do I know they are real?”. I openly admit that anybody can cheat the system with fake, positive reviews. I always respond with, “but you can’t hide from bad reviews.” With over eleven years in business, we still have a 5-Star rating on Google. In this modern day, where anybody can say whatever they want on social media with little to no repercussions, we feel that is a fantastic accomplishment.

Hire a Locally Owned, Small Business 

Hiring a locally owned, small business like Rodent Solutions will typically yield the best results for your rat extermination process. Small business owners, in general, have more pride in their reputation because each customer means more. We can’t just walk away from mistakes or bad service, so we try harder not to let them happen. You aren’t just another faceless customer. The business is our baby, and we care about having things go well. We lose sleep over things going as planned, and we care more than some department head at a big company that you’ll never get to talk to. We also typically spend more time training our staff. Most of us constantly try to improve our team so they can do things the way we did it because our staff represents us in our local community. Larger pest control companies have a business model which doesn’t allow good rat technicians to advance at some point. This results in higher turnover and more employee dissatisfaction which will pass to their customer service. Large pest control companies don’t tend to value their “boots on the ground” rat exterminators as much as smaller companies because they have strict payroll budgets. Management has corporate to answer to and numbers they have to make. One point to note about hiring a small company is to make sure they have been around long enough that you can trust they will still be in business to back up any guarantee they give you after the rat extermination process.  A rat specialty company that has been open for three to five years should get you to a safe zone. The best companies in my experience, have a staff of 3-9 team members. This size is typically where you’ll find that the owner is still grounded in some day-to-day operations. Typically, we keep our hands on things and react quickly to issues and are still concerned about quality control.   

The Best Rat Exterminator is Rarely the Cheapest

How much is rat extermination is a common questionIf the lowest price is your main concern, you will not get the best craftsmanship for your building or service.  It’s just fact with rodent extermination. You get what you pay for. Materials, skilled labor, and excellent staff cost money in this competitive job market. A quality provider will have to charge for it to stay in business. Remember, knowledge and specialized skills have value in pest control just like any other trade such as an AC technician, electrician, or plumber. Good rat exterminators that know how to prevent rodents from returning are rare in this industry. Our staff is protecting your health from rats and your business or home from being destroyed by them. It’s an essential service in this area of Florida.

Piece of Advice From Rodent Solutions

If you interview more than one pest control company, ensure the estimates are detailed and that you compare apples to apples, not just the bottom line.  Many companies are vague and throw a low price at you without setting clear expectations with line item pricing.  Also be wary of contracts with fine print or print on the backside of the contract.  Read it all and ask questions in writing about anything you don’t understand.  The bigger the company the better their lawyers are at preventing them from having to give your money back if they can’t solve your rat problem. If you don’t have it in writing from them, there’s no proof you ever had the conversation with the salesman or the office person.

Warning! Pheromone Treatments Are Money Grabs!

Pheromone treatments in the attic are marketed as essential to prevent rodents from coming back. Here’s our stance on it and we’ll back it up with common sense. If a company is offering to do a “pheromone” treatment, they either don’t know what their talking about, or are knowingly scamming you. These treatments aren’t needed in the attic if the rodent exclusion is performed properly. If rats can no longer get into the building, why would you need to worry about the pheromones drawing new rats back to the area? The pheromones that will draw the rats are actually on the outside of the building that draw them up to the attic. So why aren’t they treating the exterior of the home including the roof, soffit, overhanging trees, walls, and downspouts on the house that the rats use to get into the attic? Sounds ridiculous right? The treatment that should be sold to you (if you need it) is an enzyme treatment or some type of decontamination service. This will help with the health risks from rats remaining in the attic.  Rat dropping cleanups, enzyme treatments, ozone treatments, or in the very worse cases, an attic restoration are the services that should be recommended to you.

Final Words About Rat Exterminators

Hiring the best professional rat exterminator in your area has more to it than calling your little bug pest control guy. If you follow the steps listed above, you should be able to narrow down your choices. If you don’t live in our service area of Lakewood Ranch, Sarasota, Bradenton, or Parrish but would like to speak with us about the process, feel free to call and chat with us.  We would be happy to help you even if we can’t perform the service. Rat extermination is worth the investment to protect your property and keep your family or employees safe.  Contact Rodent Solutions today for the best rat extermination company.



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