Stinging insects are nothing to joke about, especially at the beginning of the warm season in Bradenton. Paper wasps are one of the most common types of wasps found in Bradenton, Florida. While they may not be as aggressive as other species of stinging insects in your yard, they can still be dangerous if their nests are disturbed or feel threatened. Not only can these winged attackers cause painful stings that last for days, but they have the capabilities to send innocent victims to the hospital for an anaphylactic shock! So keeping dangerous paper wasps away is important.
What are paper wasps?
Paper wasps are a type of wasp that belong to the family Vespidae. They are found throughout North America and are known for their distinctive nests, which are made from paper-like materials hanging overhead. These nests can be found in a variety of locations, including trees, bushes, and structures.
Physical Appearance of Paper Wasps
Paper wasps are slender insects with long legs and a narrow waist. They range in color from brown to black, and some species have yellow or red markings on their bodies. Paper wasps also have distinctive wings that are folded lengthwise when at rest.
If you have never experienced the pain of a wasp sting before, count yourself lucky. These pests inject a kind of venom into the bloodstream that marginally affects the nervous system, causing a pulsing pain in the area of the sting. These areas will likely become inflamed or swollen and may cause other health complications if near a vital organ (such as eyes or lips).
The wasp family of pests contains several dangerous (and painful) stinging insects, including the:
- Paper Wasp
- Yellowjacket
- European Hornet
- Cicada Killer
- Cricket Hunter Wasp
- Mud Dauber
You may not be able to identify every one of these wasps offhand, but you will know their general shape very well. Thin thoraxes, large abdomens, and color patterns of black and yellow are some of the most common characteristics of these outdoor menaces.
Keeping stinging insects like wasps off your property requires a proactive prevention approach to pest control. Wishing for the best outcome (rather than producing an outcome) will likely leave you disappointed and dealing with a worrisome pest infestation.
Keep these important keeping dangerous wasps away tips in mind when completing your springtime household prevention steps.
Keeping Paper Wasps Away With Helpful Prevention Tips
Most bugs like stinging insects prefer to stay out of doors when possible, but certain factors may be present in or around your home that draws them closer. You need to understand the things that attract wasps to your yard in the first place like:
- Certain types of plants (especially those with a higher concentration of pollen or nectar).
- Sugary drinks and rich foods are left outside after a picnic.
- Orchard trees or fruit-bearing bushes produce copious amounts of sweet fruit.
You may not necessarily be able to reduce or eliminate all paper wasp attracting factors around the property, but you certainly will be able to control certain aspects. Protect your lawn with some of the following pointers from Rodent Solutions:
- Reduce harborage places for paper wasps and their nests. Look for tall tree branches that may be stretching too close to the sides of the home. Prune back all shrubs, trees, and wilderness areas properly. Ensure that your grass is also well-manicured to prevent to accumulation of other pests that wasps may prey on.
- Plant less wasp-friendly foliage near the sides of the home. Look for annual or perennial plants that contain a lower concentration of nectar.
- Continuously check your fruit-bearing bushes and trees for fallen fruit. Remove rotten or fallen fruits immediately to prevent a paper wasp feeding frenzy near the house.
Being concerned about paper wasps is an important part of diving into another summer season. Don’t be caught off guard. Call the experts at Rodent Solutions for paper wasp nest removal.
Wipe Out Wasps With Help From Rodent Solutions
No matter how safe you feel about dealing with stinging insects on your own, an existing paper wasp problem is not something you should attempt to take care of by yourself. Instead of putting yourself into harm’s way, contact Rodent Solutions for more advice or assistance related to the elimination of wasp species.
Here at Rodent Solutions, we offer a detailed inspection by certified operators providing guaranteed results. Call, click, or visit with us today to get a quote for your paper wasp treatment services now. We’re tough on pests so you can get back to living your life. Come see for yourself!outside

Pest/Wildlife Control 15 Years
Construction for 13 Years
Pest Control License JB299099
Wildlife License LW203605
Pest Management University: Founders and Masters
AAS Degree in Drafting Design with a Concentration in Building Construction
NWCOA Member (National Wildlife Control Operators Association)
NWCOA Rodent Standard Certified
NWCOA Bat Standard Certified
NCWOA Certified Urban Bird Management Operator
NWCOA Zoonotic Disease Standard Certified
Member of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA)
Bird Barrier Certified Installer
Bird-B-Gone Authorized Installer
OSHA 10 Training Completed for the Construction Industry
Aerial Lift Certified
Fall Protection Certified