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Pest & Rodent Control In Sarasota & Bradenton

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Mice Exterminator Near Me: Effective Solutions to Get Rid of a Mice Infestation

Mice infestations are a common problem faced by homeowners and businesses alike. While these rodents may seem harmless because of their tiny size, they can cause serious damage to your property and food items and pose health risks to you and your family. If you’re dealing with a mice infestation, you’ll need to act fast and call a professional mice exterminator near you, such as Rodent Solutions.

Mice Exterminator

In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive overview of everything involved.  This will include different techniques professional mice exterminators use to control mice infestations and how we can help you protect your property and minimize health risks from mice.

Signs of a Mice Infestation

      • Interior: When mice enter a property, they aren’t as noticeable as rats.  The most common indicators are hearing scratching in the attic or seeing chewing items inside.  Mice droppings are smaller, as well as their appetite.  Mice need less food than a rat, making the visible signs of them chewing your food more difficult to notice.  Gnawed items and chew marks are telltale signs of a mouse infestation.  Mice’s paws can also leave little tracks in the dust in areas that aren’t cleaned as often because they are harder to reach.  These are areas that mice will often use to hide while traveling.  Mice will bring nesting materials to areas where they feel secure.  Signs of mice feces in the attic is also an obvious sign that they have invaded your home.  

      • Exterior:   Mice also leave a smaller footprint on a home’s exterior.  Mice can leave rub marks at their entry points, where they drag their bellies and dribble urine. You may also be able to spot gnawing or chewing around entry point areas.  Any place with gaps over ¼ should be treated as potential entry points for mice.  This will be much more difficult to spot with mice than with rats.    

    Why Hire a Professional Mice Exterminator Near Me?

    Professional mice exterminators have knowledge and experience on their side.  We can exterminate the mice without any delays and return your home free of mice faster than you could do it yourself.  We have all the proper tools, baits, lures, materials, and protective equipment.   Hiring a local mouse exterminator near you will typically provide you with better service because small businesses emphasize customer service.  To larger companies, you become a number.  Rodent Solutions was started from the ground up and only made it in this competitive pest control market because we cared about each and every customer.  We take ownership of your account and know that you depend on us to be the professional mice exterminator we present ourselves as.  Our 5-Star Google rating and having been awarded Nextdoor’s Favorite Pest Control Company in 2021 & 2022 speaks volumes about our commitment to excellence.  If you are looking for the best mouse exterminator near you in Lakewood Ranch, Bradenton, Sarasota, and Parrish, FL areas, we are it! 

    Techniques Used by Mice Exterminators to Get Rid of Them For Good

    Mice Exterminators are experts at this because we perform this type of work every day.  We can eliminate mice infestations using a professional rodent exclusion process linked here.  The rodent exclusion process will make it impossible for mice to reenter your home once we have performed the service.  We keep mice-proof materials on hand to prevent delays in mice extermination services.  With our experience and repetitively performing the same mice prevention work, we know where these areas tend to be located on your home or commercial facility.   Once the rodent exclusion is performed, a typically very short mice-trapping process can begin. 

    How to Prepare for Mice Extermination

    Once we have completed the rodent exclusion, the mouse extermination will begin.  We will ask you to “help us, help you.”  We will ask you to keep any food mice could get into in glass or metal containers.  Mice can easily chew through plastic containers.  Even heavy-duty plastic storage containers are not safe.  We ask that candy dishes, fruit bowls, coffee-making supplies (K-Cups, sugar, etc.), and anything editable be secured or put away.  Pet food is another favorite of mice, so we ask you to keep pet food put up except when your pet is actively feeding.  We also ask that you keep items in your garage, such as potting soil and bird food, in mouse-proof containers. Our mice exterminators will want the only food source available to the mice to be the bait on our traps.    

    FAQ About Mice:

    How Long Does Mice Extermination Take?

    From the day we perform your rodent exclusion to the day we pull the traps, most of our mice extermination services will take a week and a half to two weeks.  This can vary depending on the infestation’s size and the number of competing food sources.   

    How Much Does Mice Extermination Cost?

    There is no set cost for mice extermination until an inspection of the home or business has been performed.  The cost of rodent exclusion, the first step in mice extermination, is specific to each building.  Once we have identified all entry points which need to be sealed on the building, we will provide the cost to seal these areas and trap the remaining mice.  

    Mice Exterminator
    By James Knight Owner of Rodent Solutions Inc

    Are the Chemicals Used in Mice Extermination Safe?

    No chemicals are used in the mice extermination process unless you have opted to have mice bait stations installed around the exterior of your building.  In that case, the bait stations are poison.   However, they are installed in tamper-proof bait stations designed to keep children, pets, and non-target wildlife from consuming the bait.   

    How Can I Prevent a Mice Infestation in the Future?

    In nearly every situation, once you have had a rodent exclusion performed by our mice exterminating professionals, you shouldn’t have to worry about a future infestation.   

    Can I Do Mice Extermination Myself?

    It depends on your ability to perform a rodent exclusion.  Suppose you can correctly identify all the openings in your home or commercial building, seal those areas in a rodent-proof manner, and safely trap the remaining mice inside the building. In that case, you can do mice extermination yourself.  If not, you should probably call an expert like Rodent Solutions to help you with the process.  

    A Final Word on Mice Extermination Near You

    A mice infestation is not something to take lightly. If you’re dealing with a mice problem, it’s important to seek help from a professional mice exterminator near you. We can provide effective mice control and help you prevent future infestations. Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact the reliable mice exterminator near you, Rodent Solutions, today!



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