If you even think you have bats in, on or around your home or business, you have no time to waste. You must call your local bat removal services as soon as possible. A good place to start is by searching for “bat removal services near me.” Bats are not an animal to mess with yourself, plus they’re a legally protected species- professional bat removal is required to handle these mammals effectively and humanely.

Despite their negative reputation, thanks to literature and movies, bats do not only live in caves or remote castles in the mountains far, far away. While they tend to be more prevalent in other areas of the United States, we definitely have our fair share right here in Bradenton, Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch, and Parrish- 13 different species, in fact!
Bats remain protected because they serve our communities more than we realize. As insect predators, they consume more insects than pesticides could ever account for. They are also pollinators, like bees and butterflies, and contribute significantly to the growth of our food. So, while it’s a very smart idea to get them out of your home or building immediately, it’s also important to do so carefully and professionally so they remain safe and protected.
How do I know if I have bats?
Besides simply noticing a few bats flying around the eaves of your house or building around dusk each evening, there are a few ways to tell whether or not you might have bats moving into your space. Of course, it’s easy to mistake bats for other animals, like birds or small rodents. They don’t flash a big sign in the night sky to let us know they’re on their way. Also, who actually thinks “bats” when you hear a noise in the attic?
Signs that indicate you have colonies of bats living in your house would be the sounds bats make. Typically, you’ll hear a small, quick chirping sound, much like baby birds. This is not to be mistaken for echolocation, the high-pitched sound bats make when maneuvering in the dark. Echolocation is in a range so high that it’s undetectable by human ears. However, the social sounds bats make are lower pitched, allowing humans to catch their tune once in a while.
Another indicator of bats in your soffits, eaves, or attic is bat guano (bat droppings or bat poop). This is typically a small, black cylinder-shaped dropping. Many people compare the appearance to mouse droppings. If you look closely, you can normally spot “shiny” insect parts in their feces from the bugs they consumed the night before.
Bat guano can also ruin the paint on your house or nearby cars. The highly acidic nature of guano causes it to eat through paint, stain cement driveways and pavers, and grow mold and mildew as it accumulates.
Bat guano has a horribly distinct smell. You’ll know bats are nearby once you’ve smelled it and know it’s bat feces. You’ll never mistake it for anything else again. Of course, most of us have no idea what guano might smell like, which is another great reason to call your local bat removal company to identify the potential issue.
Why are bats protected?
Bats, in general, have made it onto the protected species lists for many reasons. One main reason is their propensity to eat moths, mosquitos, and other agricultural insects and pests. Bats tend to consume these while flying in the open through the night sky. Since these are some of the bats’ main sources of nutrition, they reduce the bug population in and around our community. It is estimated that bats account for the equivalent of $3 billion in pesticide control across the United States.
Bats are also known pollinators. Like bees and butterflies, bats carry pollen from one region to another, depositing seeds and creating new dustings of pollen where much of our food sources grow. Without the help of these mammals, our food production could be drastically reduced. Plus, bats are the only known pollinator of agave plants! Tequila, anyone?
Bats are protected in the Lakewood Ranch, Bradenton, Sarasota, and Parrish areas of Florida for another reason. This area is part of a known home to the Florida bonneted bat (Eumops floridanus), which is considered endangered. They are listed as endangered under the United States Endangered Species Act.
So, when we mention the restrictions surrounding bats’ maternity season, it’s with good reason. Bat pups cannot fly at birth. Suppose the mother bat is ethically removed by allowing her to leave the premises but making it impossible to re-enter. In that case, the pup will die, decreasing the protected bat population (and leaving a dead animal in your home). For these reasons, we allow mama bats to bear their young between April 15-August 14 every year. By then, pups can fly and leave along with the mother. FWC is not known to make exceptions during this time.
Why remove bats?
By now, you may be thinking, If bats are so great and protected, can’t I just give them a home in my attic, soffit, or roof? The definitive answer is no. While it’s great that you understand the need to protect these creatures, they can still do untold damage to you, your family, and your home.
Bats are known carriers of several diseases, including rabies, histoplasmosis (a virus causing flu-like symptoms and can be fatal), Cryptococcus (a fungus that can cause meningitis), Ebola, SARS, coronaviruses, and other viruses. According to the Center for Disease Control, these zoonotic diseases (transmitted between animals and humans) are best prevented by avoiding animals that might carry these diseases.
Bats can carry bat bugs (Cimex adjunctus) which are closely related to bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) and share similar characteristics. Bat bugs are primarily associated with bats, as their name suggests. They live and feed on bats, primarily residing in the roosts or nesting areas where bats live. They feed on the blood of bats and use them as a host.
When bats are absent, bat bugs seek alternative hosts, including humans and pets. If bats are no longer present in a particular area, bat bugs may migrate to living spaces in search of a blood meal. They infest homes or commercial buildings, especially in areas near bat roosts.
Can I just catch them myself?
Absolutely not. First, you’re not Dwight Schrute. Secondly, there are legal parameters protecting bats from harmful capture. You could face fines or even jail time if you harm bats, even if it’s on your property. In Florida, you’ll find that “bats near me” are an endangered species and therefore protected by state and federal laws.
Besides the fact that catching bats is illegal, the possibility of contracting any of the health problems mentioned above can multiply when you actually come in contact with them or its guano. If you attempt to catch a bat, you risk being bit and contracting rabies. Even the experts wear protective gear while humanely performing bat removal.
So how do I get these bats out of my house?
Well, during bats’ maternity season (April 15 – August 14), the only answer to that question is, unfortunately, “You can’t.” The law is clear; you have to wait.
There is some good news. You can call us ahead of time to seal other potential entry points on your property to prevent the bats from infesting those areas too. This will often happen as the young begin to take flight, and there is no longer room for the larger colony. Depending on the bat species, 1-4 pups can be per mother. You’ll also want to get on our schedule early for your bat removal service as there is heavy demand for this service after Aug 15th.
Rodent Solutions’ bat removal service team knows how to perform a bat exclusion safely. We will inspect your home to discover the point of bat entry. Then place humane bat exclusion devices in those areas allowing bats to leave through the space but not return. Once we are confident the bats are gone, we can decontaminate your space (if advisable) to prevent the spread of disease.
You can keep the bats out, right?
Yes! If you have searched for “bat removal near me” and found us, you’ve found the right people for your bat control project. You can rest assured that bats will not return to your space again.
With our bat exclusion service, all entry points are sealed to prevent bat entry. Bats can enter through a space the size of a dime. We will find all the points of entry, not just the ones your particular bats used. Not all pest control companies are trained at safely removing bats.
Wildlife Control and Pest Control

We are more than a typical pest control company. If you need to remove bats in your house or commercial building, whom you call for bat removal becomes a priority. Rodent Solutions, Inc. is fully trained for wildlife removal, including how to remove bats correctly. Call us today to schedule your bat removal service.

Pest/Wildlife Control 15 Years
Construction for 13 Years
Pest Control License JB299099
Wildlife License LW203605
Pest Management University: Founders and Masters
AAS Degree in Drafting Design with a Concentration in Building Construction
NWCOA Member (National Wildlife Control Operators Association)
NWCOA Rodent Standard Certified
NWCOA Bat Standard Certified
NCWOA Certified Urban Bird Management Operator
NWCOA Zoonotic Disease Standard Certified
Member of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA)
Bird Barrier Certified Installer
Bird-B-Gone Authorized Installer
OSHA 10 Training Completed for the Construction Industry
Aerial Lift Certified
Fall Protection Certified